Climate Advocates

Advocating for a better world

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Featured Articles and Posts

Discussion about Waste Management

Insights from Arvid Solheim

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Discover effective waste management practices for Sri Lanka.

Discussion about Decarbanization P-I

Insights from Don Sandev Ferdinando

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Discussion about Decarbanization Part I.

Climate Crisis: Act Now to End Fossil Fuel Madness

Climate Crisis: Act Now to End Fossil Fuel Madness

The unprecedented spate of climate-driven catastrophes unfolding around the world right now is just terrifying. Extreme heat. Record-breaking floods...

by Rachel Cleetus

Pakistan Floods: One Year On, Lessons in Climate Loss and Damage

Pakistan Floods: One Year On, Lessons in Climate Loss and Damage

Last summer, from June through August, Pakistan endured extended intense rainfall—exacerbated by climate change—that triggered devastating and unprecedented...

by Rachel Cleetus

What International Climate Justice Means for Sri Lanka

What International Climate Justice Means for Sri Lanka

Earlier this month I visited my family in Sri Lanka and found that everything has changed since my last visit almost four years ago. As I embraced my family, I felt a palpable fatigue...

by Sanjali De Silva

Evolution of Environmental movements and it’s impact climate in Sri Lanka

Evolution of Environmental movements and it’s impact climate in Sri Lanka

Known for its abundant biodiversity and strong ties to the natural world, Sri Lanka has a long history of environmental responsibility...

by Isora Liyanaarachchi